Gallant Precision Machining Co., Ltd.

Company introduction

Over the past forty years or so, GPM has been cultivating Taiwan, gathering resources and RD talents across the strait, building a the most powerful professional engineering RD team, and developing various core technologies, so as to get ahead of the game and continuously develop industry-leading process and equipment technologies

Business item(s)

提供Flat Panel Display, 3D Display, Touch Panel及智動化之最高生產效益的設備和即時服務。 提供IC製程暨檢測設備,協助客戶創新製程,開發設備及提升核心競爭優勢。 以非接觸式機器視覺的檢測方法,運用光學感測元件擷取物體影像後,透過特殊的演算技術進行產品缺陷檢查或尺寸精度量測,並可依所得數據作為產品品質控管或製程改善的參考依據。 推動自動化系統與智慧製造的經驗,將設備和流程以科技方式串聯,提供從點、線到面之智慧機械及智慧物流專業顧問諮詢和全方位解決方案,協助企業了解工業4.0在各個層面可創造的效益,拉近和工業4.0的距離,進而提升良率及效能,為產品和服務創造加值效益。


Ultra-High speed 2D defect inspection system Fastest review image capture module than ever AI technology-Auto Defect Classification


•Full AUTO System •Wheel Auto dressing •Closed loop thickness feedback compensation •Substrate (MIS/C2IM/High heat dissipation &EMC/EMC+Cu/EMC+ABF/ABF+Cu) •Package (SIP/Fingerprint/Flip Chip/Heat sink& EMC/EMC+Die/EMC+Cu/EMC+Solder ) •Panel Fanout (EMC/EMC+Die/EMC+Cu)


In the trend of industry 4.0, dark factory is an urgent task to be imported into the manufacturing industry. The introduction of intelligent handling robots and automatic transportation is a prerequisite for the industry to help the industry upgrade and enhance the production efficiency. •Optimization of transport flows. •Increased accuracy and productivity. •Offers a customization design solution with AMHS.

Narrow bezel Polarizer Attachment Machine

•Roller To Stage lamination Module •SET Table Tilt speed with adjustable angle by Recipe change •Process parameter control by Recipe change •Polarizer will be laminated on panel and 4 side will be outside of the •panel edge ,no bubble line come birth after laminated. •Polarizer mark inspection •Observation of lamination precision •Panel tilt function in vision Inspection station (For TV panel)

IDMS (Intelligent Diagnosis& Maintenance System)

提供線上型診斷系統、外掛式的智慧型感測器、協助產業界快速升級,充分掌握生產設備與製程品質項目的變化趨勢與健康狀況。 •線上即時健康診斷 •掌握關鍵組件壽命,警戒管制與主動通知 •提升設備稼動率 •掌握早期劣化特徵監診示警預防 •供給系統即時健康診斷,早期異常示警 •良率提升減少報廢損失

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